Hire Service

Sanitary Bin Services

july-sanitary disposal services

We offer sanitary disposal service for ladies’ toilets for offices, tertiary institutions and schools wherever there are females. This service involves following some steps. We start by placing a sanitary bin in each cubicle. Every week the bin is emptied either once or twice in that week or depending on the customer’s requirements. The bin is cleaned, disinfected and deodorised. A new bin liner is placed and before leaving we make a refill of the small plastic bags. Waste is incinerated.

Service is also offered to customers with their own bins. These sanitary bins are also available for sale to those who wish to carry out the service by themselves.

Mobile Toilet Hire


Mobile toilets are hired out on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. They can also be hired on a contract basis for one year or more. Servicing involves weekly emptying of the toilets, cleaning and deodorising them. If hired on a daily basis, service includes manning and cleaning the toilet throughout the hire period.

Harare Office

 No. 6 Harare Drive, Borrowdale,
+263 242 776529/31/37


 Unit 3 Bluffhill Industrial Park
+263 242 7560 97/8

Bulawayo Office

7 Johnson Complex
   23rd & Vanguard Road Belmont
+263 292 473 063